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Powerful Methods for ADHD

Powerful Methods for ADHD


What is the most important thing to know when seeking methods for ADHD? Self-esteem is the critical key to helping a person with ADHD symtoms overcome obstacles. It is my belief that the damage caused to the self-image of a child with ADHD is directly related to the development of oppositional-defiant behavior and many of the “meltdowns” and anger we may see when such a child is corrected.

How does this happen? Put yourself in the child’s position. What do they hear about themselves? Steven, get back in your seat. Steven, keep your hands to yourself. Steven, where’s your homework? Steven, what are you doing? Steven, are you listening? Look at me, Steven. Steven, what are you doing with that paper clip? Steven, why can’t you sit still, why don’t you follow directions, why don’t you stay on task? The message is, over and over, “You’re not doing it right, you don’t sit still, you don’t follow directions, keep your hands to yourself, stay on task,” etc. Our thoughts and words about our children are so powerful that we can make them in our image, they make themselves in their image of themselves.

The good news is, we can right the wrong by changing the way we interact with such a child. The most important element in intervening and using behavioral management strategies is to “reprogram” our words, what we put our energy into, and the child’s self image. We do this by putting more energy into when the rules are not being broken. We make the good times bigger and longer. If we wait until there is a problem and intercede then, we are telling the child what is wrong with them. We need to learn how to tell them what is right with them. When the child believes that he or she can and is and will, the desired behaviors and effort are much more likely to occur.

I have seen the strategies I teach accomplish just this over short periods of time. The child appears transformed. I am so thankful to have a way to work that allows me to see these small miracles every week. I should know, I was that child once.

Video course covering powerful methods for ADHD:

Module #3 – ADHD & ODD: Reaching, Teaching & Managing
